Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fruit Leather

Like I said before, I LOVE kitchen gadgets.  I purchased dehydrator several years ago.  I use it to make granola, dried fruit, cookies, and fruit leather. 

Use any type of fruit.  I tend to use the fruit that's bruised.  I also
added a frozen overripe banana.

Put all of the fruit in a blender and blend it well.
(Notice the brown on the bottom of the blender?
It's flaxseed.  You can add "healthy" items to the mixture. 
I also added kale and spirulina☺)

Spread the fruit on thickly.

I think I dehydrated it for about14 hours.  I'm not sure. 
After I was sure everything was dry (especially the middle),
I took it off the sheet and put it on parchment paper.  I usually
use waxed paper, but I didn't have anymore.

Roll it up

Cut it into sections.

Unwilling to get their picture taken :(

I had some blended fruit left over.  I put it in cups and froze

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