Today was the day my baby left to go to Bob Jones Harp Camp for 1 week. I have to say, I have been pretty good - up until yesterday. I did have a wee little break down while I was in the car alone. I texted a friend who gave me some comfort and encouragement! (Thanks, Sally!!!)
Gabbie was packed and ready to go for more than a week. She had these suitcases packed since Thursday.
Ok, ok, so I was a little obsessed with taking pictures. :p
They were a bit too happy to be leaving :(
We tried many times to get a "good" sad face.
Tuna and I were at the gate with Gabbie and they called her seating area. Gabbie got up and went in line - just movin' on ahead. Tuna and I are standing back, with mouths agape and arms in the postition like "what, I can't believe this". We were in disbelief!! Gabbie turned around and said "Love you" while we were still standing there with mouths open in shock. Gabbie proceeds a few more spaces and turns around and says "What? Do you want a hug?" I said (in a very high voice) "No, it's fine" (mind you, we're still with our mouths open and arms still in position). She was the next one to give her ticket and she grudgingly got out of line and gave ME a hug then she turned to go and walked several steps. Tuna and I were still in shock that she didn't hug Tuna. So we both called out to her to come and hug Tuna. So finally she gave Tuna her hug and exclaimed "hmph, now I have to get back in line!" and off she went. Hmmm...not to excited about going to SC, is she???
This is the last I saw of her - no turning back now!!!
All in all, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I really asked the Lord to keep me together - and He did!!! We received a call saying that she was fine and dandy in South Carolina with Jerid and Michelle Jones!
I know that the Lord will use this in her life mightly! I can't wait to hear about her adventures when she gets back!!! :)