Wednesday, November 14, 2012

High School Festival Trip

I didn't get too many pictures while we were down at BJU.  All the kids seemed to be going in different directions all the time.

Abby, Kimberly, Jacob & Gabbie
Harp Camp buddies!!!

Gab warming up for her voice competition

Gab's Cheerleaders!!!! :D

Warming up on harp

Tuna helping Jeremiah tune

What a cutie!!! (Michael J.)

Jeremiah's Cheerleaders!!!

Miah trying out Gab's harp

He's a wonderful player - lol

Everyone supported each other!!!
Waiting for results....

Gabbie, Dosh & Miah

Funny Friends' Faces :D

Yaaayyyy!!!!! All the Harp Camp friends placed!!! :D

Tuna, Sarah & Josh waiting to go into the concert

Josh playin some serious ping pong!!!
Abby & Gabbie ♥  - Kimberly left right after :(
Last day :(

The girls were happy to be in Virginia - I don't know why :)

The scenery was so beautiful!!  The pics don't do justice :(

Gab's sky :)


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

High School Festival

We're counting down the days until we head off to Greenville, South Carolina.  Josh, Jeremiah &
Gabbie have been practicing like CRAZY!!!!

The video below is Jeremiah and Gabbie playing Be Still My Soul.

Jeremiah/Gabbie Be Still My Soul

Josh's Pieces - Piano

Gabbie's Pieces - Harp

I will upload more later :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hartford Marathon 2012

On Saturday, Gabbie and I went to cheer for Luke and Miah in the Hartford Marathon!  WOW!!!!  What an AMAZING DAY!!!!!  They both did such a fantastic job!!!  I'm so proud of them!!!! ♥

Starting line

Lots and lots of people!!!  We did get to see Luke and Miah
in the beginning!

Lots of people were wearing costumes

Luke at Mile 5.  He says that's Gatorade
and water on his shirt - not sweat ;)

Doesn't Miah look so happy
at Mile 5?  :)

Mile 25


Love the look of determination on his face!

The medal everyone received after the race

Running buds!!!


Super Heroes!!!!!

I didn't get a lot of post marathon pics of Luke because we couldn't find him :(  Both guys did a FANTASTIC JOB!!!!!!!!!!!  Luke finished the marathon in 3:11:19!!!  Jeremiah finished the marathon in 3:48:00!!!  GREAT JOB GUYS!!!!!!!  SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!

Luke crossing the finish line!!!    (Luke was the first to cross the finish line in this clip)

Jeremiah crossing the finish line!!!    (Jeremiah was the 6th to cross the finish line in this clip)